Health information can be extremely useful, empowering us to make important health decisions. 然而,健康信息也可能令人困惑和不知所措. 考虑到互联网提供的大量信息, 期刊和其他来源, 能够评估其质量是很重要的. This can be difficult because health information is constantly changing as a result of new research and because there may be different valid approaches to treating particular conditions.
虽然没有简单的规则来确定在线信息的有效性, there are some useful guides that can be used to assess its credibility and accuracy.
Ideally, information in a journal or on the Web should have an identifiable source or an author. 考虑到消息来源的可信度, 问问你自己,你正在阅读的特定来源是否可能是公平的, 客观,没有隐藏的动机.
Take care to examine the credentials of the source to determine whether the author or organization has the required expertise and training to provide the information. 如果是医疗信息, 如果由医疗机构提供,通常会提高可信度, 汇集有医学知识的专业人士的实体, 或者是政府卫生机构.
Knowing that a publication has undergone peer review by a panel of professionals in the field can add to the credibility of the information. If the publisher's or author's contact information is listed in the form of a mailing address or phone number, 这也可以增加信息的合法性.
An important clue to the identity of the publisher can be found in the Web address:
- .edu 以“”结尾的网址.edu" is published by an organization that is associated with an educational institution such as a university.
- .政府 结尾是".“Gov”表示该网页属于政府组织.
- .org 以“”结尾的地址.Org”属于非营利组织.
- .com 结尾是".Com”属于一家营利性公司.
- 谁发布了这些信息??
- 作者是谁??
- 他们的资历是什么??
- 作者有什么不可告人的目的吗?
- 信息是否经过同行评审?
在评估准确性时, try to determine whether the information is supported by evidence from scientific studies, 其他资料或专家意见. If you receive information from a medical journal, note the size and category of the study. 这些信息是基于大样本还是小样本? Read the article carefully to see if the authors discuss any limitations or weaknesses of the study.
最可靠的证据来自随机对照研究. 然而, other types of studies or the opinions of respected authorities in the field also can lend validity to the information.
If you receive information from a secondary source such as an Internet site or a newspaper article, 请记住,你依赖的是另一个人对数据的解释. 这些信息是基于研究的证据吗, 这是专家的意见,还是仅仅是作者的意见? Although your local newspaper may provide excellent information on certain topics, it lacks the expertise of a cancer journal or a national organization specializing in the field of cancer.
如果你需要做一个重要的医疗决定, substantiate the information you receive through the local paper with information from a doctor and other credible sources. Also check to see when the information was published or when the Web page was last updated. 这在卫生保健领域尤为重要, 哪里的信息会随着新发现而不断变化.
- 这些信息是否有科学依据?
- 这些信息有事实依据吗?
- 是否列出了原始来源?
- 其他来源是否支持这些信息?
- 信息是最新的吗??
不应依赖没有可识别的出版商或作者的信息, unless it is backed up by information from other sources that meet the criteria for credibility.
如果信息的目的主要是为了销售产品, there may be a conflict of interest since the manufacturer may not want to present findings that would discourage you from purchasing the product. 如果你怀疑他们的目的是向你推销产品, 考虑从更中立的来源获取额外的信息.
在其他时候, the source may not disclose all of the information or may have a bias that is more subtle and difficult to detect. 即使是备受尊敬的医学杂志或网站也可能有轻微的偏见, 取决于他们的经验. 例如, a journal targeting surgeons may not discuss other valid treatment options such as radiation or chemotherapy. 虽然信息可能是准确的, 由于它的特殊视角,它可能会有轻微的偏见.
读取运行状况信息时,请注意发布日期. 鉴于随着新发现的出现,健康信息也在不断变化, 确保信息是最新的是很重要的. 如果这些信息是基于几年前的一项研究, you should look for more recent information to ensure that the information is still valid. 例如, a website that has not been updated recently or an article that is several years old may not include information on new promising treatments.
Be skeptical of sensationalist claims of a "secret cure" or a "miraculous result" that no one else has heard about and that is not backed by evidence.
Remember to use good judgment about information from forums such as Internet chat rooms and bulletin boards. Keep in mind that the experience of one individual does not necessarily apply to you. 虽然这样的论坛可以提供有价值的信息, there are very few safeguards in place to ensure the credibility or accuracy of the information. 任何个人,无论是否有专业知识或经验,都可以提出建议. Information from such forums should be substantiated by more reliable sources of information.
Also, bad grammar or spelling errors indicate poor quality control and may suggest cause for caution.
- 信息是匿名的
- 存在利益冲突
- 信息是片面的或有偏见的
- 信息已经过时了
- 有人声称有奇迹或秘密疗法
- 没有引用证据
- 语法很差,单词拼写错误
重要的是要认识到搜索信息可能会令人困惑, 即使你找到了可靠的信息来源. At times, even reputable sources provide conflicting information or recommend different treatments. Differences of opinion arise when there is no solid evidence about the best way to treat a particular condition. 在这些情况下, you may want to consult with different practitioners to decide the best course of treatment for you.
在审查信息时, 运用你的判断力, 认识到评估质量是一门艺术. Although very few sources will have all the criteria for credibility and accuracy, familiarizing yourself with these criteria can help you sift through information more critically and will provide important cues that will help you differentiate between good quality and poor quality information.
加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.
Use this Women's Health Checklist to determine which questions you should ask your doctor including: General Health and Wellness, 医学检验, 和更多的.